Thursday, April 29, 2010

Farewell........never been this sad.....

Dear all,

I wanted to take this moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at PT Panarub Dwikarya effective on 28th April 2010

I have enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate having an extensive experience to broaden my knowledge. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement this company has provided me.

Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address ( or at my private number (081334xxxxxx)

Thanks again for everything

Basuki Rachmad

Sigh......kurang lebih itu adalah email perpisahan yang aku kirim kemarin.

Yup....aku mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan setelah berjibaku di dalamnya kurang lebih 2 tahun 11 bulan.

Buat aku perpisahan tidak pernah menyenangkan, selalu ada sedih disitu.

PT Panarub adalah pekerjaan HRD pertama setelah lulus kuliah. Pekerjaan yang nyambung banget dengan pendidikanku di psikologi. Pekerjaan yang sangat aku nikmati sampai detik terakhirnya. Pekerjaan yang membuatku berada di dalam zona nyaman. Pekerjaan yang membuatku memiliki banyak teman dan keluarga baru. Pekerjaan yang tidak pernah memandang status seseorang apakah bawahan atau direktur karena kekeluargaan yang luar biasa dikembangkan di situ.

Dan aku sedih karena meninggalkan itu semua sampai mataku merah menahan tangis.....dan kemudian tumpah....

Yeah, kemaren 28 April 2010, BaS yang galak, yang kaku, yang katanya tidak punya perasaan.........menangis

Tapi pilihan sudah dibuat dan aku yakin itu yang terbaik!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Late Night at KFC..................


This post is definitely not going to talk about me and marriage.........

"love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener"

Marriage is a big thing.....marriage would mean a lot of responsibilities and this should be something a couple should be prepared for. A couple therefore needs to talk about it as a basis of planning the marriage.

Just couple minutes ago I had some quality time at KFC with a female friend who is planning to get married this year. But several question suddenly popping up and seems to burden her alot.

She said:
It seems that we have problem in communicating our need to each other. It seems that I'm the one who keeps dominating when its time to share. He was just a listener........

I said:
Well...communication is the basis of relationship. Effective communication should occur in both ways. How can someone talk so much while the other talk so little?. opinion is that the one who talk-so-little is trying to please the talk-so-much. He listens in order to get accepted. Or maybe like you said before, you were dominating the speech and not giving him enough space to talk....

Mutual sharing in communications is important!

She said:
Is he the one??

I said:
Well...that's basic! And frankly I don't know how to define if someone is your real soulmate or not?? It's a life time process......

And many questions followed afterwards...............

Hmmm.....both of us not married yet, so actually it was a conversation which full of assumption.....Hey! How could I know something that I never experience....