Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Life is like a Roullete......Rite??!

I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should have been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused,.... (Roullete by System Of a Down)

Entah....I do enjoying my day ... seems that I have the best day today.......but at the same time I just couldn't stand it!!

Beneran....hari ini ok!! Yeah..seems Ok!
beberapa outstanding beres....
Adu argumen juga berakhir dengan beres....
beberapa schedule juga beres....

Tapi ntah kenapa....there something wrong with the day......

Ampe sholat kok ya tumben jadi aga khusuk...Amiin...
Do'anya pun kok ya tumben menyangkut ranah masa depan....
Amiinnya kok ya tumben nyampe ke sanubari....
Habis sholat, ada yang ngamuk bin marah, kok ya tumben aku masih adem......ga kebakar kayak biasanya

Tapi yang tetep sama ya pilih jam sholat kok ya selalu di akhir....
Dhuhur di jam 14.00.......
Asar di jam 17.30.....
Forgive me God!

Yeah thats life....
Having a problem is good for my brain ...for my life, it makes me think and sometimes to think out of the box to find what obstacle which makes it difficult for me to reach the desired goal, objective or purpose....

Tapi kadang-kadang aku ga tau mauku apa........sampe itu semua terlambat!!

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