Sunday, June 14, 2009


Gw ga habis pikir ma spesies tikus disini (jakarta dan sekitarnya maksud gw)

So extremely Big....Not to mention their nasty look....

Beda banget ma tikus di Malang dan sekitarnya......pertama ukuran lebih kecil, dan yah meskipun tetep dengan penampilan nastynya, tapi kalo diperhatikan dengan seksama, lebih nasty tikus di Jakarta....parah pokoknya!

Why it is sooo important to discuss about this??

well, I'm afraid that the Godzilla thing will occur in Indonesia....

I mean...look at them (mice of course) it seems that their genes have mutated into a horrible form...and maybe..... they used to be small, and because of the air, water and earth condition (I mean pollution), the extremely used of chemical matter, radiation and many things....and hello....we all know that our climates has drastically change...
And it might be the caused of why Jakarta's mice is bigger and nastier

Hmm....we need to get alert of the upcoming worst result of the bigger and nastier mice....

Watch Out !!!.....MiceZilla...Or RatZilla....

I don't want to see...If this world is going to's because of RatZilla.....

hahaha.....Ga Penting!!!


reallylife said...

temannya godzilla bukan ratzilla iku?

BaS said...

waduh....aku malah ga tau kalo mereka berteman??!?! hehehe

fee_ani said...

agak tidak penting!