Friday, December 4, 2009

Dealing with unstable emotion!

.....sigh! 'Work hard play hard' is a key for me to get survive in what I'm doing now!
Believing that there's something beautiful behind every troubles.....
Believing that if I think Big ...then I'll be Big!
Believing that obstacles as a reasonable way to make me stronger!
Hahaha....naek 5 kg sudah berat badanku!
Yeah, I eat when I'm upset! Dan kayaknya ini continual upset leading to unstoppable eating habit!
Upset? Yeah.....! Ya know, it feels like you have done your best but there's alot out there who keep dissapointed with your performance!
'Upset' pula yg bikin aku sekarang makin uring-uringan! Dikit-dikit emosi jiwa! Dikit-dikit ngamuk! Dikit-dikit ngomel!......orang jadi ga tahan deket-deket karena takut sakit hati!
Kalo mau dihitung, sudah banyak yang tersinggung, terhina, bahkan satu orang mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan gara-gara omonganku......

1 comment:

fee_ani said...

watch ur manner dude!