Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, it's been a month and twenty one day I have stayed in such a remote village in Kalimantan!

I'm feeling glad I can make it that long....I mean, from the previous post *Kalimantan #1, I had mentioned about kinds of adjustment I have to make to stay in the Jungle *literally

One big support is by having friends.....

I'm a real extrovert who thrive in social situations. Somehow, firstly got here and met who supposedly-my-new-friend, I did not know where my ackwardness came from....I fell hesitated to say hi....I fell like they"re not so-cool for me to be friend. And those attitudes led to isolation feeling.....hiyaaa.......lonely feeling!

Well, actually my problem was........hahahaha.....making old comparison between my friends in Jakarta an the upcoming-new-one in Kalimantan.......

Totally different! Each has their own character and both were fun actually. All I have to do was open my mind to new environment.......and I did....

Now?? I feel happy at most of my working time, coz those new one are just totally hilarious friends. I even laugh during many session in and outside the office. Well, all I can say is supportive social contact is critical for me....

Regret of my underestimate feeling to them......sorry guys!


Kay said...

wah, jd ikutan seneng neh :D

Unknown said...

wah, baguslah kalo gitu.

gerandis said...

eh, kirain kamu tuh gampang bergaul n berteman dg siapa aja, owh ternyata milih-milih juga toh!
gak baek mas suka underestimated gitu (kyak ngomong ke diri sendiri nih :) )

Diah Alsa said...

akhirnya dapat juga yaa yg bisa diajak share dan bisa buat ketawa ketiwi :)

empty_spaces said...

:-P Glad you decided to do a post in English.

I'm glad your getting along well with your new friends. Its always hard to open up to new people, because you never know whether or not they'd be accepting of you. But most of the times they are, and all your fears are usually all in your head.

The most important thing is to be yourself and just enjoy life as it comes :-)