Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another BIG event!!!

sms masuk....

"Uki dimana?? Malang ato Jakarta nih? Kalo di Malang, aku mau antar undangan.....

sms reply....

What!! Really??! Wow...what a surprise...Who's the lucky girl.....?? but so sorry....I'm still in Jakarta...when it going to happen?

dan diikuti beberapa sms berikutnya..



well....temen yang aku pikir bakalan lama ternyata malah duluan...

Padahal dulu waktu bocah sempet taruhan sapa yang akan nikah duluan. Dan semua setuju, aku punya chance paling besar....karena pervert face yang aku punya..hihihi

But God really has the will not to let me be the first...Coz all I after in getting married is LEGAL SEX!!! hihi...kidding!!! I know that married is big thing!! real big one, and not only about sex!!!

It's just that I am not ready with engagement...YET!!

Aaaanyway....congrats to Reza for his next big event on 4th April

Another friend of mine who are going to get married is Eri, on May 2009

Nah kalo yang ini aga unik...model ta'aruf gitu

Jadi ga pake pacaran, sistem dikenalin. Temenku yang cewek di Jawa, nah yang cowok di Kalimantan. Kenalan lewat adik si cowok, kemudian tanpa saling ketemu...proses saling mengenal hanya lewat telp. Ketemu pun cuman 2 kali ketika si cowok pulang ke Jawa dan langsung melamar...(wuih berat banget deh!!)

Dan aku kemudian mikir....proses seperti apa yang akan aku jalani untuk menuju marriage

Aahh...laku aja sekarang kagak!! gimana mau proses!!

Any available candidate for me??

Friday, March 27, 2009

Good LucK MessY!! I found out that one of my panarub's friend is going to graduate......Yippe!

It means that there is no spend-the-rest-of-your-life-curse in Panarub..!!
oh come on...before memes, pika had graduated also.

One day...I am going to graduate also..!!!

But when it's going to happen?

Aaaanyway...I will just eat memes's farewell food, cater by the cafe and think about the reason...and of course say A Very Best Salutation to Memes!!

See you Meess....!!!
Wish you All tHe bEsT LUCk and hOpe you won't look MESS again!!!

My graduation....When eh?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life is How You Perceive It

Akhirnya bisa ngejawab pertanyaan kemaren...

I was asking to myself whether I was complaining too much? Definitely Yes.....I got to much complaining lately

Complaining about my work load, about things not well manage in my boarding room, things about my hair...(gosh the barber just cut it too short!), about marriage, about friends, things about how life was becoming so much difficult

Phew.....Thank God

No need to complain about my life anymore........

Ok, still complaining but not as much as before....many big problems will not consider as big anymore...

Many people out there facing real big problem, having heard some of those problem from friends make me realize that

1. I can easily cope with mine...all I need is making it happen with effort and patience

2. Things happen for a reason.....

3. Your life is how you perceive it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emotionally Me

Am I complaining too much??

Do I need to feel more gratitude with my life??

Sometimes.......we as human need to let our emotion out.......

But sometimes.......we need to resist the bad emotion as it will harm another....

Nah itu kemaren!!! Bener-bener kemaren ketika rasanya kepala udah merah menyala mau meledak

Sekarang...emosi sudah stabil lagi Yes!!!

Udah bawaan dari lahir kalo aku tuh Pemarah...Gampang kesolot...Gampang tersinggung

"waktu antri ada yang nyerobot, meskipun itu mak-mak-sok-lemah-sok-mau-dikasihani, langsung aku tegur dan suruh antri di belakang"

"waktu sobat sendiri ga sengaja nyeletuk waktu aku lagi presentasi di depan orang banyak, langsung aku lempar pake tas dan tereak "heh, ga punya sopan-santun ya!!"

"Waktu segala sesuatunya ga beres di kerjaan, bahkan ama bos sendiri marah-marah dan nyolot abis ampe bilang...Sir you can fired me if you want!" (haduh untung si boss orangnya buaikkk banget)"

"Waktu ada mba-dan-mas-aga-kurang-pinter-dikasih-tau-ga-bisa langsung tereak-tereak marah-marah"

God .....I really need to control my emotion!!!

Padahal, sadar ga sadar aku da ngerugiin banyak orang dengan bersikap terlalu terbuka waktu marah dan terlalu frontal ketika ga suka ma sesuatu....Orang punya perasaaan khan...

Yah manusia juga bisa lupa....manusia bisa salah....

Yeah ....that's really a defense mechanism!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


What is happening to me ??

I lost my ATM card again....
Again?? idiot forgot to take out his card after withdrawing money....
and FYI, I had lost my card 3 months ago while I was having vacation in Malang......

So Why it's happening to me AGAIN??

Having brand new card, takes time and money....
What I'm supposed to do with no money and having only time to wait.......

Can I undergo fasting until the end of this month....?

Need to be thrifty?
But do I have the courage to be thrifty.....?

Well.....twice of losing ATM card within 3 months makes me wonder of my brain capacity in learning from day after day experiences.......Do I reaaalllllyyy learn ???

An ideal brain would have worked this way...
"learn from the first loss, so there would be no second loss"

while my brain works like this....
"learn from the first loss, and while learning still in progress...the second loss occur...."


While the card were just remain lost....instead of regreting I would prefer taking a real lesson from it, so there will be no third loss......